About artist

Anatoly Kuvin belongs to glorious cohort of the great masters of Russian realistic painting of the second half of the twentieth century. In his art, he continues the tradition of profound humanity, the highest professionalism and true national content, laid by great predecessors.

True measure of talent - it is not only the skill to masterfully continue the tradition, but also the ability to create your own particular world. Looking at pictures of Kuvin, you understand that this special " Kuvan’s " world exists. It is not like the others and thus is recognizable at first sight - as well as recognized from the first notes of Tchaikovsky's music, or with a few phrases - Turgenev 's prose.

His creativity stylistically belongs to famous "The Vladimir school" of painting, that is characterized by features of a decorative and deliberate flatness of the image, color saturation, the use of open bright colors and the overall festive flavor of works. However, under this artistic direction the artist has managed to develop his own, individual, different from others language, which he speaks freely and easily.

Whatever subject is chosen by the author, whether rural or urban landscapes, genre scenes or nude female figure, the artist tells that for (he) himself is near and dear – the person and the world around him, meanwhile about the relationship with between them.

And world of Anatoly Kuvin reflected in his works, filled with kindness and love, peace of man, confidently and joyfully living on earth, carefully storing simple and timeless values​​.

That love of life and the joy of human being - that's what underlies all without exception works of the artist. Often, even a glance at his pictures is enough to feel light and warm energy emitted by them. And not just feel, but also unwittingly absorb the optimism of this remarkable artist